Published: 2020-10-01 17:15:29 CEST
Global Data Products
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Data News Europe #2020 – 9: Nasdaq Announces Price Changes, a new Fixed Income product and additional ESG content added to Nordic Equity TotalView & L2 subscriber products, effective January 1, 2021

Markets Impacted: Nasdaq European Markets
Products Impacted: Nasdaq European Equity-, Fixed Income-, Derivatives- and Commodities Products

What you need to know:

Effective January 1, 2021, Nasdaq will make fee adjustments to select European data products: Nordic-Equity, Derivatives and Commodities, subject to a 1,1% increase reflecting a general increase in costs. No fee changes will be applied to Private subscribers who will benefit from increased data at no extra cost.

In addition, and to further increase transparency in sustainability, as of January 1, 2021, ESG data from the Nasdaq ESG Data Portal will be added to Nordic Equity- Level 2 and TotalView Professional Premium products. Nordic Equity Real-time Professional Premium Subscriber fees for TotalView and Level 2 will have a price increase of € 0.5 due to additional content that will be added.

Introduction of new product: Nordic Fixed Income to replace Nordic Fixed Income TotalView and Nordic Fixed Income Level 2. 

What is changing in the European Markets Data Price List?

Nasdaq is updating the fee schedule for the following European data product categories as of January 1, 2021. The detailed list of products and new prices can be found in the European Markets Data Price List version 3.0 (with tracked changes).

  • Nordic Internal Distributor
  • Nordic Equity-, Fixed Income, Derivatives- and Commodities- Professional Premium Subscribers
  • Nordic Equity-, Derivatives- and Commodities- Non-Display
  • Nordic Equity-, Derivatives- and Commodities- Managed Data Solution (MDS)
  • Nordic Equity-, Derivatives- and Commodities- End-of-day Redistributor
  • Nordic Equity- Hosted Business and Last Sale
  • Nordic Index Calculation License
  • Nordic Index Redistributor
  • Nordic Reference Data Files
  • Nordic End-of-Day Data Files
  • Nordic Snapshots


What is changing for ESG data and Nordic Equity products?

The Nasdaq ESG data portal contains environmental, social and corporate governance data sourced directly from Nordic and Baltic listed companies. The ESG data offering is based on the Nasdaq ESG Reporting Guide for the Nordic and Baltic markets, but also includes questions about participant tax policy and future sustainability goals. Besides the raw ESG data, Nasdaq has introduced a transparency ranking as well as sector, size and index comparisons. The data will be available to all Nordic Equity Premium TotalView and Level 2 Professional as well as Private subscribers. Distributors will be able to access the ESG Portal Data via Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF). Test data is available on request.

What is changing for Nordic Fixed Income TotalView and Level 2

Effective January 1, 2021 Nordic Fixed Income will replace the Nordic Fixed Income- TotalView and Level 2 products. The new Nordic Fixed Income product will contain all current TotalView data including for example: Nasdaq CPH Consolidated Reference Price, Cash Flow, Extra Redemptions, Indicative prices, Fixings and Fair Value data.

  • Real-time trading data including full order book and APA trades, as well as market–by–order for markets in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Iceland. This gives the investor a full picture of the liquidity in the order book
  • Nordic Fixings
  • Independent analytics on Swedish and Danish government- and mortgage bonds including option adjusted key figures and Fair Value on Danish Fixed Income to assist in the growing demand for market data and risk analytics data
  • Extensive market data coverage of the Danish mortgage market, including reported trades and Nasdaq CPH Consolidated Reference Price. This also includes “Loan Payments”, “Primary Transactions” and duplicates of trades from other trading venues sent to Nasdaq that provides close to 100% coverage in Danish mortgage bonds.
  • Extensive reference data such as drawings/prepayments and cash-flows on Danish mortgage bonds
  • Offers broker-submitted indicative prices from the Swedish benchmark bond market
  • Provides company disclosures and news distribution via the Nasdaq Company News Service
  • Reduces credit risk by analyzing derivatives settlement data from Nasdaq clearing systems, including settlement prices, open interest and accumulated volumes


Nordic Fixed Income Real-time Professional Premium Subscriber fees
Service level Subscriber fee/ month License type Description
Nordic Fixed Income € 64 Per Subscriber Real-time trade and market-by-order and pre-trade transparency, reference data, indicative pricing, clearing information and statistics. Include all Nasdaq Nordic listed bonds, fixed income derivatives, as well as fixings and mortgage rates. Including the dissemination of market-by-order messages for tradable markets.


Nordic Fixed Income Professional Premium Level 2 and TotalView Subscribers will be moved to the new Nordic Fixed Income subscriber product by default and no action from customer is required.


Why are we making these changes?

The general price changes are a result of production cost increases and reflect EU region HICP - inflation rate index for the prior year. Nasdaq will continue to develop data content and technical services to meet new technology standards, regulatory and customer requirements.


Where can I find additional information?

European Price Lists are available here: https://www.nasdaq.com/solutions/nordic-and-baltic-pricing-policies

For questions regarding this notice please speak to your Sales Representative or contact DataSales@nasdaq.com or by telephone: +46 8 405 7500 or + 45 33 93 33 66.