Published: 2020-09-30 23:30:51 CEST
Icelandair Group hf.
Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Icelandair Group hf.: Correction: Update to Largest Shareholder ‘s List

Reference is made to the Company’s announcement updating the 20 largest shareholders’ list.

As noted in the announcement the list was subject to change due to possible unsettled transactions. While several large settlements were completed after the list was initially published there may still be settlements pending. The list therefore continues to be subject to change.

Investors are reminded that shares attributed to financial institutions that offer brokerage services may include shares owned by their customers. These institutions’ own holdings may therefore significantly differ from the number of shares attributed to them. This may particularly impact Landsbankinn hf. in its capacity as Settlement Agent.

The 20 largest shareholders as of 17:00 GMT today, 30 September 2020, (subject to changes due to possible unsettled transactions) are as follows:

OwnerNumber of shares%
Gildi - lífeyrissjóður  1,878,761,3016.61%
Íslandsbanki hf.  1,861,289,9596.55%
Lífeyrissj.starfsm.rík. A-deild  1,773,730,6616.24%
Brú Lífeyrissjóður starfs sveit  1,356,204,6754.77%
Landsbankinn hf.  1,236,727,9054.35%
Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna    642,361,2392.26%
Stefnir - ÍS 15     568,483,6442.00%
Kvika banki hf.     562,522,6431.98%
Sólvöllur ehf.     554,704,3751.95%
Par Investment Partners L.P.     543,881,7501.91%
Landsbréf - Úrvalsbréf     536,232,2201.89%
Almenni lífeyrissjóðurinn     524,402,2181.84%
Arion banki hf.     517,852,3801.82%
Stefnir - ÍS 5     505,853,0321.78%
Lífeyrissj.starfsm.rík. B-deild     498,697,1441.75%
Stefnir - Samval     452,000,0001.59%
Söfnunarsjóður lífeyrisréttinda     397,177,5541.40%
Birta lífeyrissjóður     383,553,8041.35%
Stapi lífeyrissjóður     295,507,9661.04%
Eftirlaunasj atvinnuflugmanna     293,861,6701.03%
 Total held by 20 largest54.11%

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail: iris@icelandairgroup.is
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: asdis@icelandair.is