English Latvian
Published: 2015-10-30 15:40:58 CET
Nasdaq Riga
Announcement from the exchange

Procedure for listing of AS “Citadele banka” ordinary B category shares initiated

In accordance with the documents received on October 30, 2015, Nasdaq Riga has initiated the procedure for listing of AS “Citadele banka” ordinary B category shares on Baltic Main list.

ISIN Nominal value Number of shares Currency
LV0000101558 0.10 Up to 254 990 240 EUR

The resolutions made during the listing procedure will be published separately.

Please find Prospectus attached.

Nasdaq Baltic
Issuer Services
+371 67212431

Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by Nasdaq companies in the Baltic states, i.e. NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga, AS and AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius

Citadele Final Prospectus.pdf