English Latvian
Published: 2015-06-02 16:09:01 CEST
Nasdaq Riga
Announcement from the exchange

Observation status removed for AS “Grobiņa”

Nasdaq Riga decided on June 2, 2015 to immediately remove observation status for AS “Grobiņa” (GRZ1R, ISIN kods: LV0000100527).

AS “Grobiņa” has submitted its audited annual report of 2014, thus the circumstances that were the reason for observation status applied to the company since May 5, 2015 have ceased to exist.

As perviously informed, the reason for observation status applied on March 19th, 2015 was removed already on May 29th, 2015.  


Nasdaq Baltic
Issuer Services
+371 67212431

Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by NASDAQ OMX companies in the Baltic states, i.e. NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS, NASDAQ OMX Riga AS and AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.