English Lithuanian
Published: 2015-02-10 16:45:00 CET
Ignitis gamyba
Other information

Due to the frequency of the publication of preliminary financial results

In order to give more information to investors, “Lietuvos energijos gamyba”, AB (hereinafter – the Company) intends to publish preliminary unaudited financial indicators for each quarter, including net profit / loss, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), and the Company's sales revenue.

These indicators will be published in the following order in 2015:

  • Preliminary unaudited Company's financial indicators for the period of 2014 - 2015.02.13;
  • Preliminary unaudited Company's financial indicators for the period of January – March 2015 - 2015.05.15;
  • Preliminary unaudited Company's financial indicators for the period of January – June 2015 - 2015.08.14;
  • Preliminary unaudited Company's financial indicators for the period of January – September 2015 - 2015.11.16.

Other periodic information will be provided in accordance with the terms established in Company‘s Reporting dates in 2015, published 31 December, 2014.

         Valentas Neviera, Head of Corporate Communication Division, tel. +370 5 278 2908, e-mail. valentas.neviera@le.lt