Published: 2015-01-14 10:53:48 CET
Global Data Products
IT information

Changes to File Delivery Service (FDS)

Dear Customer,

Along with the upcoming Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) 3.0 release there will be changes in TIP protocol. This will also have an impact to some of the files distributed via File Delivery Service (FDS) i.e. the files in TIP format will change. For example basic data and closing- files, and so called tstat files for commodities.  

Genium Consolidated Feed 3.0 (GCF 3.0) will be released in May, 2015. Exact date will be communicated later.

The future TIP protocol is available here: http://www.nasdaqomx.com/digitalAssets/96/96569_gmi-3.0.0205-r2544.tipspec.zip

Document specifying the differences between TIP 2.4.8 and 3.0 is available here: http://www.nasdaqomx.com/digitalAssets/96/96571_specdiff.html

We will also provide asset class specific documentation of these changes during January, 2015. Those will be available here:

If you have further questions, please contact dataproducts@nasdaq.com